Monday, May 20, 2019

Last Week of School!

It is hard to believe that this is the last week of school before summer vacation. I can tell how excited everyone is getting. Wishing you all a great last week of school.

Half Days:
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be half days. Students will be dismissed at 12;05 p.m. and 12:25 p.m. depending upon whether or not they have a prep sibling. There will be no math tutoring this week.

Birthday Celebrations:
If your child has a summer birthday and would like to bring in a treat on the last day of school, feel free to do so. Just a reminder that treats should be free of nuts for our students allergic.

Classroom Parents:
We are so thankful for the help of Darla Driggs and Jennie Reynolds this year as they put together classroom celebrations and made all of our teachers feel valued and cared for. We realize that they did much of the planning, but it wouldn't have been possible without all of our parents pitching in to offer money and treats for our kids and teachers to enjoy. Thank you for all of your support this year!

This week, we will have significantly less homework than previous weeks in the quarter. We will continue to have math assignments throughout the week and review previous lessons; however, there won't be any tests on the material. Students will continue to write in their planners each night. Most of our work this week will be for academic enjoyment and reflection on what a great year it has been.

There are no clubs this week.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Thank You Times A Million!

Dear 4A Family,

Thank you doesn't seem adequate for your wonderful generosity and kindness during Teacher Appreciation Week, but thank you all the same!

Your children are a delight and it has been our privilege to share this time with them.

Mrs. Otto and Mrs. Gerhart

Saturday, May 4, 2019

Quarter 4, Week 8 News

Finish Strong
We have noticed over the past two weeks that effort in class and on homework has significantly declined. We have talked a lot with our class about how to finish the year strong. Please remind your child that they need to turn work in on-time and continue to put their best effort forth until the end of the school year. Thank you for all you do to support your child at home. 

A.T. Still Field Trip
The field trip this past week was a great opportunity for scholars to enhance their learning in science. We had the opportunity to ask one of the professors questions about the human body. The scholars did a phenomenal job of staying engaged and forming deep questions. 

Late or Missing Work 
This upcoming Friday, May 10th, will be the last day to turn in missing or late work for the quarter. The reason we have moved it up a week from our previous quarter is due to the amount of time it takes and stress it causes students to search for their make-up work that they have lost or misplaced. The end of the year should be a time of celebration and last moments with friends until next year. We are trying to reduce the amount of students that are frantically trying to turn in all of their missing work at the last minute by moving the deadline up by one week. 

If your child is missing work, you may want to check their backpack, folders, and anywhere else it could be. If you are unable to locate the missing assignments and would like to have your child take part of their recess time to make a new copy of the missing assignment and work on it, please send me an email. Please also inform your child that this is what you'd like them to do. We want to keep the responsibility in our scholars' hands so that they continually see how important it is to hand in work on-time. 

Test and Quiz Corrections
Over the last quarter, I have offered the students opportunities to correct their mistakes on quizzes and tests in all subjects to earn points back and further their learning. The deadline for turning in corrections is also this upcoming Friday, May 10th. 

Grade Reports
Grade reports were sent via email over the weekend. If you did not receive one. Please send me an email so I can try sending it again. 

Wishing you all a great week. Thank you for supporting your child at home. It has been such a joy to teach them this year.