Greetings Families,
I wanted to give another reminder that homework is found in the homework tab on the blog. The home screen is where you will find classroom news for the week.
Missing Work Deadline:
The last day to hand in missing work for our scholars is this Thursday 10/04. Turned in missing work will be recorded as 80% of its graded value.
October Reading Log:
You may have noticed that the reading log is missing the first two weeks of October. Due to this week being the last week of the quarter, we are giving our scholars the week off of reading to focus on their other studies. If your child read last night, you may count those minutes to the first day back after Fall Break. Scholars are not expected to read during Fall Break; although they are always welcome to.
Parent-Teacher Conference Sign-Up:
An email and blog post will be sent Wednesday (10/03) morning regarding parent-teacher conferences for the week following Fall Break. Please sign-up for a time that works best for you. Conferences will be 25 minutes in duration. Mrs. Arnold and I are thoroughly looking forward to meeting with you all!
Europe Project:
The Europe Research Guide includes a recommended timeline for project completion. Our hope is that our scholars are working gradually on this project throughout the coming weeks. This is not a Fall Break project. Although, some scholars really enjoy working through this project during that time. We have provided enough time for students to work on a piece each week, in hopes of not having it pile up the weekend before it is due.
During the next three weeks, scholars should begin to fill out the information they have learned while researching (Climate/Geography, People Groups, Languages, Culture, Religion, History, Interesting Facts, Landmarks, Flag) on their country.
Here is a copy of the timeline for reference, as indicated in the packet.
The bold face titles are hard deadlines.
- Select European Country - Q1W6
- European Project Packet Handed Out - Q1W6
- Gather Resources Q1W6 + 7
- Have All Project Presentation Supplies - Q1W8
- Research Guide Completed - Q2W1
- Architecture Project Started (If Building Something) - Q2W2
- Clothing Project Started (If Wearing Something) - Q2W2
- Recipe Project Started (If Serving Something) - Q2W2
- Tri Fold Completed - Q2W3
- 3 Paragraph Essay Written - Q2W3
- Speech Written and Practiced - Q2W4
- Reflective Paragraph Written - Q2W4
- Project of Choice Completed - Q2W4
- Europe Project Research Guide Due - Monday November 12th.
- 3 Paragraph Essay Due - Monday November 12th.
- Reflective Paragraph Due - Monday November 12th.
- Tri Fold and Food Clothing or Architecture Due - Day of Presentation
Digital Books: Any books published, no matter the format (hard copy or digital), counts as a book. There are likely a number of public domain books available that your child may use and that would count toward the book count. However, most public domain books are dated and may not be accurate for some countries.
End of Quarter Celebration:
We will be having our end of the quarter Princess and the Goblin celebration on Friday afternoon. Our class moms have been hard at work putting together games and sign-up lists for food items. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are not fingerprint cleared, please let us know ahead of time so we can accommodate you. If you are interested in coming, send us an email and we will email back with our celebration itinerary.
Wishing you all a wonderful week of relaxation and family time.
Miss Kogler and Mrs. Arnold